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How to elevate your business with Real Internet.

Showcasing Our Diverse Range of Clients: Elevate Your Business with Real Internet.

At Real Internet , we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch web hosting and design solutions tailored to a diverse array of industries. From small local businesses to large enterprises, our clients trust us to enhance their online presence. In this comprehensive guide, we will highlight the various sectors we serve and how our expertise can help your business thrive in the digital landscape.

Hairdressers: Stunning and User-Friendly Websites.

In the competitive world of hairdressing, having a professional and user-friendly website is essential. Our web hosting services for hairdressers focus on creating visually appealing websites that showcase styles, services, and client testimonials. By integrating high-quality images and detailed service descriptions, we ensure that your salon stands out. Key features include:
1. Online Booking Systems: Simplify appointment scheduling for your clients.
2. Service Portfolios: Display a gallery of hairstyles and treatments.
3. Client Reviews: Highlight positive feedback to build trust and credibility.
4. Optimising your website with relevant keywords such as “best hair salon,” “professional hairdressing services,” and “top hairstylists” ensures higher visibility on search engines, attracting more potential clients.

Outdoor Sports Complexes: Engaging and Informative Platforms.

For outdoor sports complexes, having an engaging and informative online platform is crucial. Our web hosting solutions provide robust platforms for event updates, facility bookings, and community engagement. We focus on features that enhance user experience and drive traffic:
1. Event Calendars: Keep visitors informed about upcoming events and activities.
2. Facility Reservations: Allow users to book courts, fields, and other facilities online.
3. Community Forums: Foster a sense of community by enabling discussions and interactions among users.
4. Using SEO-friendly keywords like “outdoor sports complex,” “sports facility booking,” and “community sports events” helps improve search engine rankings, making it easier for sports enthusiasts to find your complex.

Athletic Clubs: Connecting Fitness Enthusiasts.

Athletic clubs benefit significantly from a strong web presence that connects fitness enthusiasts with their services. Our hosting solutions for athletic clubs focus on user-friendly websites that provide comprehensive information about classes, memberships, and trainers. Key features include:

1. Class Schedules: Offer detailed information on available classes and timings.
2. Membership Options: Provide clear details on membership plans and benefits.
3. Trainer Profiles: Showcase the expertise and qualifications of your trainers.
4. By incorporating keywords such as “local athletic club,” “fitness classes near me,” and “join a gym,” your website can attract more traffic and potential members.

Food Seasoning Companies: Highlighting Unique Flavours.

For food seasoning companies, a compelling website that highlights unique flavours and recipes is essential. Our web hosting solutions focus on creating detailed and visually appealing websites that attract food enthusiasts. Key features include:
1. Product Listings: Display your range of seasonings with detailed descriptions and images.
2. Recipe Ideas: Inspire customers with creative recipes using your seasonings.
3. Customer Reviews: Build trust by showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers.
4. Optimising your website with keywords like “best food seasonings,” “unique spice blends,” and “flavorful recipes” helps improve your search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Waste Disposal and Waste Management Companies: Promoting Vital Services.

Waste disposal and waste management companies provide essential services that require clear and informative websites. Our web hosting solutions ensure that your services are effectively communicated to potential clients. Key features include:
1. Service Descriptions: Provide detailed information about your waste disposal and recycling services.
2. Online Scheduling: Allow clients to book waste collection services online.
3. Educational Content: Offer resources and tips on waste management and recycling.
4. Using SEO-friendly keywords such as “waste disposal services,” “recycling solutions,” and “waste management company” helps your website rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for clients to find and utilise your services.

Truck Repair Companies: Reliable and Informative Sites.

Truck repair companies need reliable and informative websites to attract and retain customers. Our web hosting solutions focus on developing websites that clearly communicate your repair services, expertise, and customer satisfaction. Key features include:
1. Service Listings: Detail the range of repair services offered.
2. Appointment Booking: Enable online scheduling of repair appointments.
3. Customer Testimonials: Showcase positive reviews and success stories.
4. Incorporating keywords such as “truck repair services,” “professional truck mechanics,” and “reliable truck repair” helps improve your search engine visibility, attracting more clients seeking trustworthy repair services.

Why Choose Real Internet ?

At , our commitment to excellence and personalised service ensures that each client receives the best web hosting and design solutions tailored to their unique needs. Here’s why you should choose us:
1. Tailored Solutions: We understand that each industry has unique requirements and offer customised solutions to meet those needs.
2. SEO Optimization: Our expertise in SEO ensures that your website ranks higher in search engine results, driving more organic traffic.
3. User-Friendly Design: We prioritise creating websites that are easy to navigate, ensuring a positive user experience.
4. Reliable Hosting: Our reliable hosting services ensure that your website is always up and running, providing a seamless experience for your visitors.


A strong web presence is essential for businesses across various industries. From hairdressers and outdoor sports complexes to athletic clubs, food seasoning companies, waste disposal services, and truck repair companies, Real Internet offers tailored web hosting and design solutions to elevate your online presence. By leveraging our expertise in SEO and user-friendly design, you can attract more customers, enhance credibility, and drive business growth.
Ready to elevate your online game? Visit Real Internet today and let’s get started on creating the perfect online platform for your business.

Real Internet post on your brands credibility.

“Essential Guide: Why Every Business Must Establish a Strong Web Presence.”

Real Internet post on your brands credibility.

Why Every Business Needs a Strong Web Presence: A Comprehensive Guide.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a strong web presence is crucial for any business aiming to thrive and stay competitive. As a website hosting company, we understand the immense value that a well-maintained website brings to your business. This comprehensive guide will explore why having a robust online presence is essential and how it can transform your business. Whether you’re a small business owner or an established enterprise, this guide will highlight the key benefits and provide insights into optimising your website for maximum impact.

Reach a Global Audience.

A well-designed website allows your business to reach a global audience. Unlike a physical store limited by geography, an online presence is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This means potential customers from around the world can learn about your products or services, increasing your market reach exponentially.

Build and Enhance Credibility.

In the digital age, a professional website acts as a digital storefront, offering visitors a first impression of your business. A clean, user-friendly design coupled with relevant content can significantly enhance your credibility. Customers are more likely to trust a business with a polished website, making it essential to invest in quality web design and reliable website hosting.

Showcase Products and Services Effectively.

Your website serves as a dynamic platform to showcase your products and services. High-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews can provide valuable information to potential buyers. Utilising multimedia elements like videos and interactive features can further enhance the user experience and drive conversions.

Improve Customer Engagement and Interaction.

A strong web presence facilitates better customer engagement and interaction. Features like live chat, contact forms, and social media integration allow you to communicate directly with your audience. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also provides valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

Enhance Brand Visibility and Awareness.

Having a website optimised for search engines (SEO) increases your brand’s visibility. By incorporating key tag phrases relevant to your industry, your website can rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This drives organic traffic to your site, boosting brand awareness and attracting potential customers.

Stay Competitive in the Market.

In today’s competitive market, having a strong web presence is crucial to stay ahead. Many of your competitors are likely already online, and failing to establish your own presence can put you at a disadvantage. A well-optimised website ensures that you remain competitive and relevant in your industry.

Collect and Analyse Customer Data.

Your website is a valuable tool for collecting and analysing customer data. Using analytics tools, you can track visitor behaviour, understand user demographics, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions and tailor your strategies to better meet customer needs.

Provide 24/7 Availability.

Unlike a physical store with fixed hours, a website provides 24/7 availability. Customers can access information about your business, browse products, and make purchases at any time. This convenience can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Cost-Effective Marketing.

Digital marketing through your website is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. Strategies like content marketing, email campaigns, and social media advertising can be managed efficiently through your online platform. This not only reduces marketing costs but also provides measurable results, allowing you to optimise your efforts.

Showcase Customer Testimonials and Reviews.

Positive customer testimonials and reviews on your website can significantly influence potential buyers. Displaying authentic feedback builds trust and credibility, encouraging new customers to choose your business over competitors. This social proof is a powerful tool in converting visitors into loyal customers.

Adapt to Changing Trends.

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and having a web presence allows your business to adapt quickly to changing trends. Whether it’s updating your site with the latest industry news, launching new products, or incorporating new technologies, your website serves as a flexible platform to stay current.

Enhance User Experience (UX).

A well-structured website enhances user experience (UX), making it easy for visitors to navigate and find what they’re looking for. Implementing features like responsive design, fast loading times, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) ensures that users have a positive experience, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Optimising Your Web Presence for SEO.

To fully leverage the benefits of a web presence, optimising your website for SEO is crucial. Here are some key strategies:

  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant key tag phrases and incorporate them naturally into your content.
  2. 2.Quality Content: Regularly update your site with valuable, informative content that addresses your audience’s needs.
  3. On-Page SEO: Optimise meta tags, headers, and images with relevant keywords.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly to reach a broader audience.
  5. Backlinks: Build quality backlinks from reputable sites to improve your site’s authority and ranking.
  6. Local SEO: If applicable, optimise for local searches to attract nearby customers.


In conclusion, establishing a strong web presence is essential for any business looking to succeed in today’s digital era. From reaching a global audience and building credibility to enhancing customer engagement and staying competitive, the benefits are substantial. By investing in quality website hosting and SEO optimisation, you can maximise these benefits and drive your business towards sustained growth and success.
Ready to elevate your business with a powerful web presence? Visit our website hosting company today and let’s get started on creating the perfect online platform for your business.

What is Web Design All About?

There are well over 1.7 billion websites in the world, and organisations of all types and sizes need one. Yet, there are still many myths and misunderstandings about them, alongside too much money wasted on sites that perform badly. So, what is web design all about?

Looks aren’t everything

It’s important to stress that the word ‘design’ in this context means a great deal more than simply aesthetics. Yes, an attractive website is important. It’s part of something called your User Interface, which includes making your brand obvious and attractive on every page.

However, good website design involves creating strong website performance too, the sort of architectural factors that ensure you get a good return on your investment.

What skills are needed for effective web design?

The above point is why so many DIY websites fail to generate sales or even to attract enough page visitors.

A website design company goes beyond appearances, as it knows how to:

  • Pin down business goals
  • Identify target customers
  • Research competitor activities
  • Innovate on graphical content
  • Build vital functions, such as search options
  • Streamline load speeds and navigation
  • Find relevant plug-ins
  • Make pages more ‘searchable’
  • Create user-centric web pages

What is meant by user-centric web design?

Some of the best website designs ‘on paper’ fail to hold on to their target customers, such as a website that’s stunning on large screens, but fiddly to use on smartphones, alienating younger users instantly.

User-centric design links to another commonly used term in website design; user experience or UX. Put simply, things like SEO and online ads are a waste of money if you leak leads from your web pages. The best website management company will provide you with strong UX and a web design that converts leads seamlessly and consistently by matching user expectations, preferences and behaviours.

Constant evaluation

When considering, ‘What is web design all about?’, it’s also important to understand it’s not a quick fix for business success.

The best website designs are constantly assessed and improved. This is another reason DIY websites fail, and why website hosting and management services are so invaluable. They provide you with proactive and creative help to keep your website relevant and successful.

Web design Gloucestershire

Real Internet offers affordable, adaptable web designs that are about performance as well as aesthetics, so contact us today to learn more.

What is Meant by Web Page Design?

Websites are integral to the effective and successful operation of a business, but when it comes to putting a website together, what does web page design mean exactly?

Web page design explained

When a web design company creates a website, it needs to consider the functions and goals of the site, as well as the target audience. This information is used to decide how to put each page together, and how each page will contribute to the look and feel of the entire website.

Each page will be designed with a focus on aspects such as appearance, layout, choice of colours, text, and fonts, using specific design software or templates. Special attention will be paid to making sure that the brand elements of a company are included on each page, whether that’s on a home page, an about us page or a contact page.

When designing a web page, it’s not just how information is put together that matters. Designers will also make sure that the white or empty space on the page allows the rest of the elements to easily flow together to enhance the user experience.

Page design

Web designers have a choice of various software and design templates they can use when putting a website together, and which one they choose often depends on what the site or pages are intended to achieve. E-commerce pages may need a different design structure than a simple information page, for instance, while a contact page will need a form layout, including buttons and a drop-down menu.

Some pages of a website can, however, be designed using the same template, so that their background, menus, and header images all look identical on each page. Each page may then be given its own specific design elements to differentiate it from the other pages.

User-friendly design

In order to create a successful web page design, a website management company will need to ensure that users can view the site on all different types of devices, including desktop computers and smartphones.

Web pages will be designed for use on different devices using either adaptive or responsive design. In adaptive design, web pages are designed in fixed layouts that match different screen sizes, while page content moves dynamically to suit the screen size in responsive design.

If you’re looking for effective web design services to create a web page design for your site, get in touch with us today.

What is Adaptive Web Design?

Adaptive web design allows users to view a website on multiple devices, but what does this involve and how does this differ from other types of web design?

Adaptive web design explained

First coined by web developer Aaron Gustafson back in 2011, adaptive web design is, essentially, a way of allowing a website to be viewed across multiple devices. More of us now use a range of devices to view web pages, with smartphones now trumping desktop computers in terms of use, and web design services have had to change to accommodate the different ways we look and search online.

Adaptive web design has become one of the leading solutions used for browsing on different devices. It involves the creation of different web layouts that are fixed, and which can be adapted to suit various sizes of screen. Therefore, instead of having a single, static page that looks similar across all devices, with adaptive web design you get a number of web page versions that fit a particular device.

This means that a website design company might develop different designs for various screen widths to suit mobile phones, laptops, desktop PCs and tablets.

Benefits of adaptive web design

A web design company may choose an adaptive design because it offers a number of different benefits. Since it is designed for various resolution sizes, it is considered relevant and specific to a user’s needs. It also delivers faster loading speeds, particularly compared to other types of design.

Isn’t it the same as responsive design?

If you’ve heard of adaptive web design, then chances are you’ve probably heard of responsive design, too. These phrases are often used interchangeably, and many people assume they are much the same thing. However, there are subtle variations between the two. While adaptive design consists of different layouts, there’s only one in responsive design, which responsively adjusts to fit the user’s screen. It is the browser window that decides on the layout with responsive design, while the back-end, as opposed to the browser or user, determines the layout in adaptive design. The server selects the correct layout according to factors such as operating system and device type.

Find out more about adaptive design for your website, by contacting our expert website team today.

What is a Sitemap in Web Design?

A sitemap is one of the most crucial aspects associated with developing and designing a website, but what is it exactly and why is it so essential to creating an effective, user-friendly site?

Sitemaps explained

A sitemap is akin to a blueprint or road map for a website. It’s a visual representation created by a web developer to detail the layout of a website and its contents before it gets produced.

Usually drawn on a large piece of paper, a sitemap consists of boxes to represent each web page, set out in a hierarchy, with the most important at the top. The boxes for each page will detail what content will be included, with arrows to show how each page connects to each other.

A web design company will also list on the sitemap what the goals and functions of the website will be, so close collaboration between the website management company and the client is key to creating a successful sitemap, and, therefore, an effective website.

Easier collaboration

Since there are often lots of parties involved with creating a website, including the client, developer, designer, web hosting company and, possibly, an account manager, having a sitemap that everyone agrees on before the website is created ensures it can be developed smoothly and seamlessly, with fewer problems along the way.

By creating a website’s layout on paper before it gets put together for real, the website design company can make sure each part of the site will flow together and function effectively so that no costly or time-consuming changes would need to be made once the site is in the actual design and development stages

Improved user-experience

A sitemap also provides benefits for anyone visiting a website, as it allows a user to see how the pages are organised in a hierarchical structure, to enable easy navigation and an improved user experience. Since the sitemap includes details of what will be included on the website, it also ensures there’s no room for any duplicate or superfluous content. This promotes a high-quality website that will be favoured by search engines.

Indeed, search engines and web crawlers look at sitemaps when determining the ranking of a site, so it’s a good move to have an effective sitemap as part of your SEO strategies.

If you’re looking for effective web design services in the South West UK, contact us at Real Internet today.

What is a Web Design Company?

Having a top-class website is a must for digital marketing in the modern age. To create a great website, you’ll need to work with a reputable web design company, but what are they and what do they do?

What is a web design company?

In simple terms, a web design company is a company that designs and builds websites for businesses, public bodies, charities, and personal use. During your first consultation with a web design company, they will sit down and find out more about their client. They will also dig deeper into what the client needs their site to do, how they want it to look and what features they need on it. Once this consultation phase is complete, their team of expert web designers will build the site according to the client’s wishes.

Web hosting

Although designing and building websites is their prime service, many web design companies also offer web hosting services. This makes it convenient to find reliable hosting in the same place you have your website built.

In addition, some can bring existing WordPress sites into their hosting plans, even if you do not want a new site built. Some web design companies also specialise in areas such as graphic design and branding, which can be useful if you need help in sourcing the best marketing materials to stand out from competitors.

Why hire a web design company?

Some business owners may wonder why they should spend money hiring a web design company. After all, could you not save money by designing and building it yourself? While this is possible, it is likely that the site you end up with will almost certainly not be as responsive, stylish, and practical as one built by professional web designers.

Contact Real Internet today

At Real Internet, we have many years of experience in building websites that are not only feature-heavy and fast, but great to look at too. We also offer a range of additional services to clients in South West UK, from web hosting to graphic design and branding. Get in touch with us for more details.



What is a CMS in Web Design?

If you’ve ever tried to build your own website, you might have come across the term ‘CMS’. CMS stands for Content Management System, and it’s a type of software that can be used to build and manage a website. Building a website using a CMS is a cost-effective and practical way to create a website that can be edited by anyone in your team for years to come.

What is a CMS website?

A CMS is any specific software that is used to create a website. Inside the CMS dashboard, users can edit website features, tweak the website design, and add and remove content to webpages. To manage websites at this simple level, most CMSs do not require any programming knowledge.

Some examples of popular CMSs include:

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Magento
  • Duda
  • Joomla
  • Wix

While all CMSs are designed with the goal of creating easy, accessible website building and editing, they all look and work a little differently under the hood, which is why many people prefer a particular CMS over others. Here, at Real Internet, we tend to use WordPress, but we also have experience in using other systems.

CMSs are designed to make website building and editing simple and accessible to everyone. Web developers and designers build websites using CMSs because it’s fast and effective, and because these sites can then be passed on to clients who can update, edit, and re-arrange website content without any input from technical teams in the future. Reasons why CMSs are popular include:

  • A CMS enables non-technical teams to manage and update their own websites without input from developers. This is cost-effective, efficient, and allows content teams to retain control of their own data.
  • A CMS keeps web design and content separate. If you want to redesign your website, you can do so without having to rewrite or re-enter all your existing content.
  • Many CMS packages include additional tools for marketing, SEO, and analytics that can help you track website traffic and improve visibility.

Content Management Systems are designed to be affordable, simple, secure, and ideal for use by businesses of all sizes. Different systems will have their own strengths and weaknesses, but almost any web project can be successfully completed using contemporary CMSs.

Get in touch

At Real Internet, we offer an affordable web design service in the South West UK. Our web design service combines our expertise and experience while allowing you to retain complete control over your website. To find out more about our services, get in touch today.

What is a Child Page in Web Design?

Websites are key in modern business and give companies an effective digital marketing tool to build their online presence with. Of course, the key to this is great web design which focuses on speed, responsiveness, and user experience. One web design term you might have come across before is a child page. But what are they and why should websites use them?

What is a child page in web design?

In short, a child page is a page on your website which is found underneath another page. The page it is underneath is usually referred to as the parent page. A good example is a ‘Company History’ page on a website which is accessed via the overall ‘About Us‘ page. In this case, ‘Company History’ is the child page as it is placed underneath the parent ‘About Us’ page.

Why are child pages useful in web design?

One major advantage using child pages in web design brings is easier site navigation. It allows you to form relationships between relevant web pages and makes it easier for people to get around. The knock-on effect of this is that your site becomes more user friendly and enjoyable to spend time on too.

What else makes child pages worth using in web design?

Child pages also help to give a professional look to your website and make it obvious to users that you have invested time in creating a quality site. This is great for your brand image and may help persuade consumers to shop with you or hire you. Using child pages is also a good move for SEO. Search engine robots who crawl websites usually look more favourably on those who make navigation simpler with features like this. It will be a lot better than having masses of individual pages to crawl which exist on a standalone basis.

Let Real Internet help you get the most from your website

While the above points set out what a child page is and why they are worth using, you may not know how to implement them. If this is the case, contact Real Internet today on 01454 806570 for assistance. Based in Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, we are a web design company that serves the whole of the Southwest UK.

Get in touch today, so can we unleash the power of child pages on your website!

How to Pick a Web Design Company

There are lots of web design companies that will promise to build you the perfect website, but how do you know which one to choose, and which is going to deliver? Here are some top tips for picking the right website design company.

Understands your vision

A reputable web design company should be able to listen to your ideas and understand your vision and goals, while translating these as closely as possible into reality, utilising their skills and expertise. Crucially, you shouldn’t feel that you’re being talked into something that isn’t right for you, just to suit a particular web developer.

Complete package

Choose web design services that incorporate all aspects of web development, from the initial design concept to website development, as well as secure and reliable website hosting, digital marketing, and SEO. A website doesn’t stay still once it has been created, so a company that can provide ongoing maintenance will ensure your site continues to thrive long into the future. By picking a website management business that provides a complete package of services, you can enjoy a seamless experience when getting your site designed and developed.

Keeps up to date

When deciding on which web design services to use, ask about what systems, methods, and strategies they use to keep on top of the latest industry trends. A website hosting and management business that stays up to date is more likely to offer web solutions that will be secure, responsive and adhere to the latest SEO guidelines.

Look at examples

There’s no better endorsement for choosing a good web design company than finding examples of other websites online that you like the look of, and then seeing who designed it, which is usually written somewhere on the individual site. Any decent web company should also be able to show examples of sites they’ve designed and developed, so you can see their standard of work for yourself.

Don’t just focus on price

If you’re driven by a tight budget, it’s natural that price might be the deciding factor when picking a website design company. But, be cautious. Opting for the cheapest quote from a web company might not deliver a site that meets your needs, and their web hosting services might not be as secure and robust as you’d expect. While price is an important factor, don’t let it be the main consideration when picking a web design business.

When you’re looking for the ideal web design company, South West UK based business Real Internet ticks all the right boxes, so get in touch with us today.