
Real Internet post on your brands credibility.

“Essential Guide: Why Every Business Must Establish a Strong Web Presence.”

Real Internet post on your brands credibility.

Why Every Business Needs a Strong Web Presence: A Comprehensive Guide.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a strong web presence is crucial for any business aiming to thrive and stay competitive. As a website hosting company, we understand the immense value that a well-maintained website brings to your business. This comprehensive guide will explore why having a robust online presence is essential and how it can transform your business. Whether you’re a small business owner or an established enterprise, this guide will highlight the key benefits and provide insights into optimising your website for maximum impact.

Reach a Global Audience.

A well-designed website allows your business to reach a global audience. Unlike a physical store limited by geography, an online presence is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This means potential customers from around the world can learn about your products or services, increasing your market reach exponentially.

Build and Enhance Credibility.

In the digital age, a professional website acts as a digital storefront, offering visitors a first impression of your business. A clean, user-friendly design coupled with relevant content can significantly enhance your credibility. Customers are more likely to trust a business with a polished website, making it essential to invest in quality web design and reliable website hosting.

Showcase Products and Services Effectively.

Your website serves as a dynamic platform to showcase your products and services. High-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews can provide valuable information to potential buyers. Utilising multimedia elements like videos and interactive features can further enhance the user experience and drive conversions.

Improve Customer Engagement and Interaction.

A strong web presence facilitates better customer engagement and interaction. Features like live chat, contact forms, and social media integration allow you to communicate directly with your audience. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also provides valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

Enhance Brand Visibility and Awareness.

Having a website optimised for search engines (SEO) increases your brand’s visibility. By incorporating key tag phrases relevant to your industry, your website can rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This drives organic traffic to your site, boosting brand awareness and attracting potential customers.

Stay Competitive in the Market.

In today’s competitive market, having a strong web presence is crucial to stay ahead. Many of your competitors are likely already online, and failing to establish your own presence can put you at a disadvantage. A well-optimised website ensures that you remain competitive and relevant in your industry.

Collect and Analyse Customer Data.

Your website is a valuable tool for collecting and analysing customer data. Using analytics tools, you can track visitor behaviour, understand user demographics, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions and tailor your strategies to better meet customer needs.

Provide 24/7 Availability.

Unlike a physical store with fixed hours, a website provides 24/7 availability. Customers can access information about your business, browse products, and make purchases at any time. This convenience can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Cost-Effective Marketing.

Digital marketing through your website is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. Strategies like content marketing, email campaigns, and social media advertising can be managed efficiently through your online platform. This not only reduces marketing costs but also provides measurable results, allowing you to optimise your efforts.

Showcase Customer Testimonials and Reviews.

Positive customer testimonials and reviews on your website can significantly influence potential buyers. Displaying authentic feedback builds trust and credibility, encouraging new customers to choose your business over competitors. This social proof is a powerful tool in converting visitors into loyal customers.

Adapt to Changing Trends.

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and having a web presence allows your business to adapt quickly to changing trends. Whether it’s updating your site with the latest industry news, launching new products, or incorporating new technologies, your website serves as a flexible platform to stay current.

Enhance User Experience (UX).

A well-structured website enhances user experience (UX), making it easy for visitors to navigate and find what they’re looking for. Implementing features like responsive design, fast loading times, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) ensures that users have a positive experience, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Optimising Your Web Presence for SEO.

To fully leverage the benefits of a web presence, optimising your website for SEO is crucial. Here are some key strategies:

  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant key tag phrases and incorporate them naturally into your content.
  2. 2.Quality Content: Regularly update your site with valuable, informative content that addresses your audience’s needs.
  3. On-Page SEO: Optimise meta tags, headers, and images with relevant keywords.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly to reach a broader audience.
  5. Backlinks: Build quality backlinks from reputable sites to improve your site’s authority and ranking.
  6. Local SEO: If applicable, optimise for local searches to attract nearby customers.


In conclusion, establishing a strong web presence is essential for any business looking to succeed in today’s digital era. From reaching a global audience and building credibility to enhancing customer engagement and staying competitive, the benefits are substantial. By investing in quality website hosting and SEO optimisation, you can maximise these benefits and drive your business towards sustained growth and success.
Ready to elevate your business with a powerful web presence? Visit our website hosting company today and let’s get started on creating the perfect online platform for your business.

What is a Web Design Company?

Having a top-class website is a must for digital marketing in the modern age. To create a great website, you’ll need to work with a reputable web design company, but what are they and what do they do?

What is a web design company?

In simple terms, a web design company is a company that designs and builds websites for businesses, public bodies, charities, and personal use. During your first consultation with a web design company, they will sit down and find out more about their client. They will also dig deeper into what the client needs their site to do, how they want it to look and what features they need on it. Once this consultation phase is complete, their team of expert web designers will build the site according to the client’s wishes.

Web hosting

Although designing and building websites is their prime service, many web design companies also offer web hosting services. This makes it convenient to find reliable hosting in the same place you have your website built.

In addition, some can bring existing WordPress sites into their hosting plans, even if you do not want a new site built. Some web design companies also specialise in areas such as graphic design and branding, which can be useful if you need help in sourcing the best marketing materials to stand out from competitors.

Why hire a web design company?

Some business owners may wonder why they should spend money hiring a web design company. After all, could you not save money by designing and building it yourself? While this is possible, it is likely that the site you end up with will almost certainly not be as responsive, stylish, and practical as one built by professional web designers.

Contact Real Internet today

At Real Internet, we have many years of experience in building websites that are not only feature-heavy and fast, but great to look at too. We also offer a range of additional services to clients in South West UK, from web hosting to graphic design and branding. Get in touch with us for more details.



What is a CMS in Web Design?

If you’ve ever tried to build your own website, you might have come across the term ‘CMS’. CMS stands for Content Management System, and it’s a type of software that can be used to build and manage a website. Building a website using a CMS is a cost-effective and practical way to create a website that can be edited by anyone in your team for years to come.

What is a CMS website?

A CMS is any specific software that is used to create a website. Inside the CMS dashboard, users can edit website features, tweak the website design, and add and remove content to webpages. To manage websites at this simple level, most CMSs do not require any programming knowledge.

Some examples of popular CMSs include:

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Magento
  • Duda
  • Joomla
  • Wix

While all CMSs are designed with the goal of creating easy, accessible website building and editing, they all look and work a little differently under the hood, which is why many people prefer a particular CMS over others. Here, at Real Internet, we tend to use WordPress, but we also have experience in using other systems.

CMSs are designed to make website building and editing simple and accessible to everyone. Web developers and designers build websites using CMSs because it’s fast and effective, and because these sites can then be passed on to clients who can update, edit, and re-arrange website content without any input from technical teams in the future. Reasons why CMSs are popular include:

  • A CMS enables non-technical teams to manage and update their own websites without input from developers. This is cost-effective, efficient, and allows content teams to retain control of their own data.
  • A CMS keeps web design and content separate. If you want to redesign your website, you can do so without having to rewrite or re-enter all your existing content.
  • Many CMS packages include additional tools for marketing, SEO, and analytics that can help you track website traffic and improve visibility.

Content Management Systems are designed to be affordable, simple, secure, and ideal for use by businesses of all sizes. Different systems will have their own strengths and weaknesses, but almost any web project can be successfully completed using contemporary CMSs.

Get in touch

At Real Internet, we offer an affordable web design service in the South West UK. Our web design service combines our expertise and experience while allowing you to retain complete control over your website. To find out more about our services, get in touch today.

How Long Does It Take to Design a Website?

Creating a website from scratch can take days, weeks, or even months. With so many variables in the website development process, the time required varies from one project to another. While we cannot give you a definite answer of how long website creation takes, we will be sharing the four steps of website creation and will give you a rough estimate of how long it takes to design a website.

Planning process to design a website

Without proper planning, you will lose sight of your goals and end up creating a website that isn’t suitable for your business. Therefore, the first thing you should do when developing your website is gauge your needs and create a plan. Communicate your primary goals with your website developer and let them know the pages and functionality you want your site to have. The planning process for a standard website takes about one to two weeks.

Design process

Once you have a plan of action in place, it’s now time to start designing your website. At this stage, your web designer should give a mock-up of how your website will appear based on your requirements. If there are any changes that you want to be made, communicate them early before development begins. The design process can take anywhere between one to three weeks.

The development phase

In this next stage, your website developer takes all the information you’ve given them and turns it into a fully functional website. Your web designer should always keep you in the loop of the progress being made because you may wish to change a key part of your website once you see it in action. As expected, this stage takes longer to complete because changes take longer to make. In most cases, it takes at least one month to fully develop a standard website.

Final review

Before any website is officially finished, it must go through one final round of revisions. This is to ensure that it looks and works as you anticipated. If there are no major changes required, then this process should take no more than two weeks.

At Real Internet, we cover the entire web design process from initial design to build. If you are looking for a reliable website design company based in Gloucestershire, contact us today to speak to our team of experts.